Do you wanna rock?

Whether you want to rock or you have a cool jazz or blues vibe you want to try out, it doesn't matter. Baltic kiss has an idea for you: you show up with a few songs and maybe a friend or two (or not!) and give it a try on their stage.
Interested? Read on . . .
Here's the deal: if you have been around the music scene for a while, you know it's sometimes hard to get started playing live. Maybe you have just never done it, or maybe it's been a while. Either way, maybe you want to ease into it rather than take the musical polar plunge.
Baltic Kiss not only understands this musician's dilemma, but they also have a solution.
Baltic Kiss has created Jam Night for all of you shower singers and garage musicians. It's time to try out your tunes, and there are no more excuses, they've thought of everything and are ready for you.
Originally offered on the first Monday of each month and now expanded to the first three, Baltic Kiss will provide for you, with or without your band, 12 minutes on their stage with a backline and mic to do whatever you want to do.
Explainer: If you don't know what a backline is, don't fret. It's basically professional audio amplification equipment and speakers or a PA system. No need for roadies for this gig, it's just you and your tunes and some cool grub when you are done.
As a bonus, you also get a supportive audience comprised of happy diners who appreciate good music.
It doesn't get better than this, folks; no risk, try it out, and have fun! If it works, you could get a booking for a whole show.
What: Baltic Kiss Jam Night
When: First Three Mondays– Sign-ups at 7:00 pm
Where: The Baltic Kiss 135 Park Place, Pt. Richmond