2nd Annual Spring Art Stroll coming to Pt. Richmond

Arts of Point Richmond, Point Richmond Neighborhood Council, and PRAM are pleased to present the 2nd annual Spring Art Stroll.
The Annual Spring Art Stroll is back this year, offering a day of art and fun for people of all ages in historic Pt. Richmond.
The organizers invite you to "wear a hat and enter the Easter bonnet contest, activities, and Easter egg hunt for kids, a new round of outdoor art banners, browse sidewalk art vendors, view exhibitions in six local galleries, dine in local restaurants, and more."
Park Place street will be closed to auto traffic for this event.
Children’s activities are from 11 am -1 pm, and there will be a DJ from
11 am - 2:30 pm.
What: 2023 Spring Art Stroll
When: Saturday, April 8th, 11 am - 4 pm
For more information, visit: info@artsofpointrichmond.com